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Fourth International Conference on Future Education
In cooperation with the World Academy of Art and Science (, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, University of Belgrade and Serbian Chapter of the Club of Rome, the Serbian Association of Economists organizes the Fourth International Conference on Future Education. The conference will be held from November 12th to November 13th in Belgrade in the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts.

We expect around 50 renowned scientists from all over the world, members of prestigious universities, as well as members of the World Academy of Art and Science and the Club of Rome. In addition to foreign participants, domestic scientists, members of SASA, SAE and University of Belgrade, will also take active part in the conference.

The first conference was held in Berkeley, California, USA, in October 2013, the second one in Rome, Italy, in November 2017, while the third conference was organized in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in November 2018.

More information coming soon.