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First Session of the Presidency in the New Term
At the first session of the Presidency in the new term, held on May 5th, 2019, the following new members of the Presidency of the Serbian Association of Economists (SAE) were presented: Darko Budeč, Zoran Drakulić, Giorgio Marchegiani, Zoran Petrović, Marko Čadež, Vojislav Lazarević and Živorad Vasić.

Dragijana Radonjić Petrović, who successfully occupied the position of the Vice President in the previous term, was reelected.

In addition, members of the Executive Board, Presidents and members of SAE functional units, as well as members of the Honorary Presidency were also appointed.

The remainder of the meeting included the discussion about the preparation of the upcoming conferences: the Regional Summit of Finance Ministers, Governors and Tax Administration Directors in Bečići and the Fourth International Conference on Future Education.
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