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Instructions for Authors
I General information
Authors are invited to follow this style sheet when drafting manuscripts for the Economics of enterprise journal (SAE Journal of Business Economics and Management). Papers must be written in English. Oxford English or American spelling is acceptable, but it must be consistent throughout the manuscript. The page should include the full name and affiliation for each author. The name and surname should always be in its original form.

Authors can now connect their author profile in our journal with their ORCID iD and make their publications more visible and their publication management easier. We encourage authors to make use of this powerful tool. If you are not familiar with ORCID yet please find more information at the on the following link
Therefore, we ask all authors to send us their ORCID numbers as well.
II Layout
PAPER TITLE IN ENGLISH (font size 18, bold, upper case)
Naslov rada na srpskom jeziku (font size 16, bold)
Petar Petrović (font size 12pt)
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Economics – Department of Business Economics and Management, Belgrade
Abstract (Times New Roman, font size 13pt)
The title and the author’s name are followed by a brief summary in English and Serbian in the Times New Roman, font size 10pt. An abstract should be from 100-250 words.
Key words: Authors are required to state the key words that best represent the main features of their paper. There should be no more than 10 words (font size 10pt, italic).


Posle naslova rada i imena autora sledi kratak sažetak na engleskom i srpskom jeziku u fontu Times New Roman, veličina fonta 10pt. Sažetak treba da ima od 100-250 reči.
Ključne reči: Autori bi trebalo da navedu ključne reči koje najbolje opisuju osnovnu tematiku njihovog rada. Broj ključnih reči ne bi trebalo da bude veći od 10 (font 10pt, italic).


The paper is prepared in the Microsoft Word program, the format A4 (210x297mm), the Times New Roman, font size 11pt. Margins: top 2.5 cm, bottom, left and right 2 cm.
Indentation and Spacing: Indentation: Left 0pt, Right 0pt; Special: None, Spacing: Before 0pt, After 0pt, Line spacing: Single.
Headings and subheadings
In the text use font size 13pt for headings and 12pt for subheadings.
Sources used in the text should be given in brackets with reference number of the source from the list of references, and pages, e.g. [9, p. 139].


Figures and tables should be laid out at appropriate places in the text; the originals should be submitted as separate files (tables in Microsoft Word or Excel, graphics in Corel Draw, Adobe Illustrator, Visio, Excel). Figures should be submitted at the resolution of 300 dpi (jpg, eps or tiff). The following are unacceptable file formats: figures imported or copy-pasted into Word or PowerPoint, bmp, gif, png or low quality jpg files (downloaded from the Internet).

As far for the figures:
Grey scale mode is preferred. Figure backgrounds must be white. Grey backgrounds (or backgrounds of any other color) are not acceptable. Charts, graphs and diagrams should note use more than 5 shades of gray. Patterns are acceptable. Please send figures as you would like them to appear in print. Figures and tables must not contain colors.

All figures and tables must be numbered.

Figure 1: GDP in CEE (font size 11)
Table 1: Government expenditures in transition economies (font size 11)
Titles and sources of figures and tables should not be within figures and tables.
Tables should have single line for outside frame, and single line for inside lines.
Sources should be given bellow figures and tables and should follow the “Quotations” formatting rule.


Total length, including tables, figures, references, and notes should not exceed 15 pages.
Cited literature should typically include bibliographic resources, papers, and monographs and it should be presented in the form of references. This publication has adopted APA style of referencing, as it is one of the most frequent referencing styles in business and economics academic publications. Full references are arranged in alphabetical order, font size 10 pt. References should not be translated. Table 2 presents examples of references.
Source type  Template Reference examples
Entire book Author, A. A. (Year). Title of book. Location: Publisher.
Electronic book:
Author, A. A. (Year). Title of book. Retrieved from http://www.xxxxxxx
Murray, R. (2005). Writing for academic journals. Maidenhead: Open University Press.
Shotton, M. A. (1989). Computer addiction? A study of computer dependency. Retrieved from
Book chapter Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year). Title of chapter or entry. In A. Editor, B. Editor, & C. Editor (Eds.), Title of book (pp. xxx-xxx). Location: Publisher. Murphy, P. E., Laczniak, G. R., Bowie, N. E., & Klein, T. A. (2006). Ethical reasoning and marketing decisions. In P. E. Murphy & G. R. Laczniak (Eds.), Marketing ethics: Cases and readings (pp. 1-42). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. 
Journal article Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, xx, pp-pp. Yang, D. (2005). Culture matters to multinationals’ intellectual property business. Journal of World Business, 40, 281–301.
Proceedings of meetings and symposia Contributor. A. A., Contributor. B. B., Contributor, C. C., & Contributor, D. D. (Year, Month). Title of contribution. In E. E. Chairperson (Chair), Title of symposium. Symposium conducted at the meeting of Organization Name, Location. Muellbauer, J. (2007, September). Housing, credit, and consumer expenditure. In S. C. Ludvigson (Chair), Housing and consumer behavior. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Jackson Hole, WY.
Databases and internet sources Institution or organization. (Year if applicable). Retrieved from Narodna Banka Srbije. Retreived from
Biography and photography
Biography should contain about 800 characters, font size 10pt. Photography should be submitted in ID card or passport form, 80x50mm, CMYK (full color), at the resolution 300 dpi, jpg, eps or tiff. Low resolution photography will not be accepted. Biography should be provided in a separate MS Word document. Authors should not send their photographies within this document but as separate dpi, jpg, or other file.