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Jahorina Economic Forum
The Association of Economists of the Republic of Srpska SWOT has held a Jahorina Economics Forum for four consecutive years. By signing the Memorandum of Cooperation, the Serbian Association of Economists has become the official partner of the forum.

The past forums have generated enormous attention of the professional as well as the general public. Confirmation of the above said, is the fact that each Jahorina Economics Forum brought together more than 450 domestic and foreign participants (representatives of public and political life, civil servants, directors of large companies, journalists...).
See the official presentation
In the previous forums, among others, the speakers included: the President of the Republic of Srpska, Mr. Milorad Dodik, Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia, Mrs. Ana Brnabić, member of the Presidency of BiH, Mr. Dragan Čović, Prime Minister of the Republic of Srpska, Mrs. Željka Cvijanović, the Head of the Delegation of the European Union to Bosnia and Herzegovina and European Union Special Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ambassador Lars-Gunnar Wigemark, former President of the Bundesbank Dr. Ernest Welteke, Ministers of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, Deputy General Manager of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, Mr. Zhou QingYe, and many others.

Jahorina Economics Forum has become one of the most recognizable events of this format in Bosnia and Herzegovina in short time. Therefore, it is not surprising that each forum is followed by more than 100 media representatives.
Jahorina Economic Forum 2019 Ends
This year the RS Association of Economists SWOT organized the fourth Jahorina Economic Forum entitled “Economy of New Age – Innovation, Digitalization and Communication Technologies as Base of Economic Development” in cooperation with the Serbian Association of Economists and under the auspices of the President of the Republic of Srpska, Mrs. Željka Cvijanović.

Jahorina Economic Forum met the expectations of more than 550 domestic and foreign participants this year as well. In addition to eminent experts from the fields of information technologies and economic science, managers of the largest domestic companies, public enterprises and editors from almost all most significant media companies in the country, decision-makers from all levels of authority in the Republic of Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina actively participated in the work of the Forum.

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