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Aktuelno izdanje
MAJ - JUN 2024
This issue of Economics of Enterprise starts with three compelling papers in the Economic Growth and Development section, each offering insightful perspectives and solutions. The first paper in this section, unfortunately, marks the last contribution made by Miladin Kovačević to economic theory and practice.

He was one of the most distinguished economists Serbia has ever had, with a brilliant background in mathematics and statistics. This exceptional economist sadly passed away before the release of his final work. Most people never have the opportunity to work with someone as driven, talented, and caring as he was. As academic economists and practitioners, we were fortunate to have worked with such a luminary. Amid the complex emotions inspired by this sad event, the prevailing sentiment is one of gratitude.

In collaboration with M. B. Stevović, M. Kovačević explored Serbia’s external debt sustainability and its implications for long-term growth. The authors present an empirical model distinct from those regularly proposed by the IMF and WB. Actually, they used a nuanced approach to macroeconomic projections based on debt burden. In the context of multiple crises, this model could and should be crucial for understanding Serbia’s economic resilience to risk stressors and its potential for sustainable growth. A duo of authors, M. Nedeljković and I. Todorović, introduces an advanced empirical framework for analyzing the key drivers of FDI in Serbia. They identify potential constraints and opportunities for boosting FDI in higher value-added sectors. This paper is essential for policymakers aiming to enhance Serbia’s attractiveness as a destination for FDI, particularly in industrial production and the tech sector based on R&D. In the third paper in this section, M. Lutovac Đaković examines the transformative role of industrial policy in Serbia’s economic development. Her analysis of state incentives’ impact on investment projects between 2006 and 2016 highlights significant progress and the challenges ahead. The paper brings attention to the importance of strategic industrial policy in achieving sustainable economic growth and integration into global value chains.

In the Tax and Law section, I. Domazet and D. Marjanović provide a detailed study on the impact of non-fiscal levies and other taxes on Serbia’s fiscal competitiveness. The authors emphasize the significance of tax policy in attracting and retaining foreign investment, offering valuable insights for optimizing Serbia’s tax structure to improve its investment climate.

The Marketing section features research by a trio of authors, S. Trajković, S. Milosavljević, and I. Aleksić, on the role of digital marketing techniques in creating user experiences and customer engagement. Their findings indicate the considerable impact of digital marketing on consumer behavior and loyalty, underlines the importance of integrating these techniques into business strategies for enhanced co-creation and customer satisfaction.

In the Information Technologies section, N. Tomić and M. Mirić explore the determinants influencing Serbian gamers’ adoption of microtransactions in mobile games. Using an extended Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), they identify key predictors such as perceived enjoyment and social factors. This study offers valuable insights for game developers and marketers aiming to optimize their monetization strategies.

The Tourism and Hospitality Management section includes two engaging papers. The first one, written by M. Zrnić and I. Lončar, delves into the impact of quality hospitality service on guest satisfaction in Serbia’s tourism industry. The authors demonstrate the significant correlation between service quality and gastronomic experiences, stressing the need for continuous improvement in hospitality standards to boost guest loyalty and enhance the overall tourism experience. In the last paper of this issue, I. Kovačević, B. Hristov Stančić, and B. Zečević discuss Serbia’s participation in EXPO 2020 Dubai, focusing on nation branding and soft power. They analyze the strategic use of EXPO to enhance Serbia’s international image and economic relations, providing a comprehensive overview of the benefits and outcomes of such global events.