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Vuksanović Herceg Iva
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Economics and Business
Vuksanović Herceg Iva is Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade. She teaches undergraduate course Strategic Management and graduate course Strategic Finance at the Faculty of Economic as well as undergraduate course Strategic Financial Management at the Military Academy in Belgrade. She received her PhD degree from the Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade. Her primary fields of interests refer to enterprise risk management, value-based management, industrial policy and economics of transition, in general. She wrote more than 30 papers related to the previous topics. Iva Vuksanović manages both domestic research project dealing with new economic policy platform and competitiveness of the real sector in Serbia funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development as well as EU funded international research project on building capacity and skills for managing social and technological innovation project in the youth population. She holds the position of the Editorial Coordinator of the Ekonomika preduzeća (Serbian Journal for Business Economics and Management). She is member of the Supervisory board of the Foundation of Young Talents of the City of Belgrade.