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Milisavljević Momčilo
Prof. Momcilo Milisavljevic, PhD, is a retired full professor of the Faculty of Economics in Belgrade.

He was born in 1929 in Branicevo. After finishing primary and secondary school in Nis, he graduated from the Faculty of Economics in Belgrade in 1952 and defended his doctoral dissertation in 1961.

Prof. Milisavljevic got the first job as a teaching assistant at the Economic Institute of the FPRY. He was elected as a teaching assistant at the Faculty of Economics in Belgrade in 1956, an assistant professor in 1962, an associate professor in 1967, and a full professor in 1973. He has been retired since 1994.

He attended professional trainings in the United States (1958, 1962, 1986, and 1989), in Germany (1973), and in the United Kingdom (1975 and 1991).

During his four-year studies at our faculty he gave tutorials for the following courses: Economics and Organization of Enterprises, Economics of Industrial Enterprises and Enterprise Organization. He gives lectures in Planning and Enterprise Development Policy and Marketing. He also taught at the Faculty in Kragujevac, Uzice, and Sabac. He teaches at the Faculty of Economics in Nis, as well. Prof. Milisavljevic is also engaged in postgraduate studies at our faculty. In the master's study program Business Economics he taught International Marketing, and in Marketing and Business Economics study programs he gave lectures in Marketing Management, and the course Strategic Management in Strategic Management and Marketing study programs. He also gave lectures in postgraduate study programs in Kragujevac, Subotica, Nis, Pristina, Skopje, Dubrovnik, Sarajevo, Banja Luka, Zagreb, and Maribor. He was engaged in specialist studies at our faculty for the following courses: Marketing and International Business Management.

Prof. Milisavljevic has had many positions in and outside the faculty. At the faculty he was: President of the Commission for Postgraduate Studies, Head of the master's study program Business Economics, President of the Commission for Doctoral Studies, Head of the Department of Business Economics and Enterprise Organization, and Head of the Management Center of the University of Belgrade. Outside the faculty he was Chairman of the Economy Committee of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia.

He is a member of the Yugoslav Marketing Association, the Scientific Section of the Yugoslav Society of Economists, and the Serbian Scientific Society.

He received the October Award of the City of Belgrade (1974) for his book Marketing.

He is the author of numerous books, textbooks, and papers.