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Madžar Ljubomir
Prof. Ljubomir Madzar, PhD, was born in 1938 in Budacka Rijeka, the municipality of Vojnic, Croatia. He finished high school in Sombor in 1957, and graduated from the Faculty of Economics in Belgrade in 1961, received his Master's degree from Williams College Mass, USA, in 1964, and his PhD from the Faculty of Economics in Belgrade in 1968. He became a research associate in 1968, a senior research associate in 1974, and a scientific advisor in 1984. He was elected as an assistant professor in 1970, an associate professor in 1976, and a full professor in 1982. He has published about ten books and close to 400 articles in professional journals. His field of study is economic development - theoretical and empirical analysis, institutional economics and current issues of economic policy and building of economic systems.  He teaches Theory and Planning of Economic Development in the third year and Economic Development in the fourth year. He was intensively engaged in the privatization and formation of permanently established institutions of market economy.

1. Optimizacija u teoriji i proizvodnji privrednog rasta (Optimization in the Theory and Production of Economic Growth), Belgrade, Savremena administracija, 1973, III edition 1979.
2. Osnovi teorije proizvodnje (Fundamentals of Production Theory), Belgrade, Oeconomica, 1972.
3. Stabilization and Development (co-author), Belgrade, Jugoslovenski pregled, 1982.
4. Suton socijalistickih privreda (The Twilight of Socialist Economies), Belgrade, Ekonomika and Institute of Economic Sciences, 1990.
5. Svojina i reforma (Ownership and Reform), (2 volumes), Belgrade, Institute of Economic Sciences and Economics Institute, 1995.

He has had a number of positions in several government departments, such as the Minister of Economy of the FRY in the government of Milan Panic, a member of the Council of Advisers in the government of Ante Markovic, a member of the Commission for Reform of the Economic System of the SFRY and many others.

He was editor-in-chief of the journal Ekonomska misao 1987-91.