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Dobrinjska 11, 11000 Belgrade
+381(0)11 3613 409
Branislav Vujović
Branislav Vujović was born on 21.04.1955. in Belgrade, where he completed elementary school and gymnasium, Higher School for Applied Informatics and graduated from the Faculty of Organizational Sciences (FON) department of Computer Science  and received the BSc Deegre. He then completed the postgraduate studies at FON, the direction of the Design of Information Systems led by Prof. Branko Lazarević.
He earned a   master's degree in Business models and information systems,  developing a new digital transformation methodology  under Prof. Zoran Marjanović and received the title of Master of Science.

He gained business experience at the City Statistical Office Belgrade as a system programmer, and then worked for  Computer  Associates  International  (CA). Since 1986 he moved to Vienna, where he had position of the Technical director at CA. He was promoted to General Manager and then Senior Vice President before changing to EMC2 to lead the Eastern European region. In 2006  he founded the Vienna-based New  Frontier  Group  (NFG) with partners, where as CEO and then as group president he was responsible for the group development with a focus on  acquisitions, innovations and especially digital innovation and business  models. The group grew rapidly organically and by acquisitions up to over 2,000 experts in information technologies covering 20  countries and operated on 5  continents.  With new trends brought by the digital  revolution, the company was  later  transformed, reduced and focused on solutions that help customers successfully extend their business in the digital economy. As of mid of 2020, Branislav Vujovic is no longer involved in the group's operational activities but is shareholder and has supervisory functions.
In parallel with his work at the NFG he was researching in the field of digital revolution and digital economy. He gave many lectures and presentations with a focus on value in digital  economy and innovating digital business models. He is a visiting professor in IEDC school of management in Bled and he is leading lectures and workshops on subjects connected to digital economy and digital transformation. He is also guest lecturer at  FEFA Faculty in Belgrade and he did digital economy workshops at the PwC Academy.  He worked  directly with teams from many companies on innovation of the business models and on the digital  transformation. He also published many articles and papers on the digital revolution and the digital economy.

The NFG team and the companies in the group received many awards, only to mention that NFG team received the Award for best company in the region for services related to digital economy and digital transformation and NF Innova in collaboratoin Raiffeisen Bank Serbia received the world wide Finovate 2020 Award for the best digital solution for the Consumer Landing Platform.

As a business mentor, business angel and investor he worked with new companies and startups and participated as a jury member at European and regional events dedicated to innovation, startups  and new business models.