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Dobrinjska 11, 11000 Belgrade
+381(0)11 3613 409
About us
Serbian Association of Economists (SAE) is a nonparty and nonprofit association of Serbian economists founded in 1947 with the aim of pursuing goals in the field of advancement of economic science and practice in Serbia. Since its foundation, SAE has been headed by the most prominent academics, economic practitioners and highest representatives of state administration and regulatory bodies. Today, SAE has successful cooperation with the Association of Economists of Vojvodina, as well as with associations of economists in Belgrade, Niš, Kraljevo, Kragujevac and Pirot, and gathers over 30 most notable enterprises, banks, other financial intermediaries and regulatory bodies.
The operation of SAE is managed by its Presidency. It comprises 45 renowned economists working in the field of economy, business consulting and at universities and regulatory bodies. The main activities of SAE are the following:

- organizing scientific assemblies, counseling meetings, seminars, round tables and thematic gatherings;
- publishing activity within the Ekonomika Preduzeća journal;
- knowledge transfer through education and training;
- cooperation with higher education institutions, regulatory and government bodies;
- cooperation with related organizations in the country and abroad